Career Opportunities

Growing Community Connections

As the Nurse Manager for the school program, a big part of that goal for me is ensuring that I have nurses who are scholarly and experientially prepared for the role and are ready to take on the challenges our students and families face.

Taking That Leap of Faith

That very night I applied for Roberts Associate Program. When two people from two separate places ask you the same question on the same day, it is a no brainer to take that leap of faith and start an awesome but terrifying journey.

How I spent my summer vacation…

…Anyone interested in the field of marketing should absolutely look into Mary Cariola!. You will see how influential and inspiring the staff is while gaining a priceless advantage for your career.

…As the summer ends and I look back at the past couple of months, I can confidently say that the experiences and knowledge I have gained are beyond valuable.

Developing and Sustaining a Diverse, Equitable, and Inclusive Workforce

I’m pleased to announce that Mary Cariola Center has been awarded a two million dollar grant over the next four years to develop and sustain a diverse, equitable and inclusive workforce to support individuals with complex disabilities in Monroe County.