This month’s guest blogger is Dr. Stephen Cohen, M.D., CPE, Excellus BlueCross BlueShield Chief Medical Office. Dr. Cohen oversees the organization’s doctors, clinicians, care managers and clinical operations team to provide safe, effective medical services to members and the community. Dr Cohen is a primary care physician and is board certified in Internal Medicine. He is a member of the Monroe County Medical Society.
Dr. Stephen Cohen
There are many things you can do to stay healthy: eat right, keep active, go to your doctor, take your medicine, and reduce your stress. And even if you’re doing all those things there may be a key ingredient missing: health insurance.
Why is having health insurance good for your health?
There are two important reasons:
First, to protect you and your family from the high costs of health care. Without health insurance, you would have to pay out-of-pocket for everything from your medications to a lengthy hospital stay. And those costs can be significant.
Without health insurance, things out of your control like a serious medical diagnosis, an emergency room visit, or even a broken leg can leave you exposed to huge medical bills and increased stress.
Second, health insurance is linked to better overall health. Studies find that it supports the health and well-being of individuals and communities. According to the Kaiser Family Foundation, coverage improves access to care; supports positive health outcomes, including an individual’s sense of their health and well-being; and reduces financial strain.
In addition, an American Hospital Association report shows that health insurance is widely available, members and their families are four to five times more likely to have regular sources of care and two to four times more likely to receive preventative care services than those without insurance.
These studies demonstrate that having insurance means you’re also more likely to have a primary care doctor who is key to your ongoing health and care. Early in my career I served as a primary care doctor for 20 years, and I can tell you, that’s a critical role.
When you have health insurance, you have a doctor like me or a care team working with your primary care doctor to make sure their patients, our members, are getting the care they need. This partnership assures that we are both responsible for keeping our members healthy.
Health issues can be stressful, and no one should have to worry if they’ll be able to afford medical care or where to turn when life changes. It helps to have a team of care managers, behavioral health specialists, even pharmacists working with your doctor to help you navigate your situation. Think of it as a small army of resources available to you when you need help.
This is what we work toward every day. When health coverage means more than plans and premiums, everybody benefits.
If you’re looking for health insurance, we are here for you. Please visit
Community Check-In Podcast
Want more information on this topic? Check out Excellus BlueCross BlueShield’s “Community Check-In podcast” where Dr. Stephen Cohen, Chief Medical Officer for Excellus BCBS, explains the importance of “Why should I have health insurance?”