In the next month or so Mary Cariola Children’s Center will be launching our annual giving appeal. It is a period of time that as an independent non-profit agency, we ask for your gift and generosity in order to continue fulfilling our mission.
Our theme this year is based on a wonderful Mahatma Gandhi quote that says “the future depends on what you do today.” This concept captures the essence of the things we need to do now in preparing for the future for our students and residents. It also declares our commitment to always look ahead and be innovative in our thinking, practice and quality in the services we provide to the Cariola community.
Just how important is it to look to the future? At Cariola it is vital that we build upon the services we already provide hundreds of children, youth and their families. Be it in our school or our residences, the services required to help educate and care for Cariola kids as they work to reach their lifelong potential, are on the increase. This increased need is directly related to the miracles that take place every day just down the street from us at Golisano Children’s Hospital. Through their wonderful work, advanced medical technology and care, children who sadly would not have survived just a mere five years ago, are living, providing joy to their family but also need more educational, medical, clinical and social work services. That is where Mary Cariola Children’s Center comes in.
Over the past few years Autism has increased and Mary Cariola has become a trusted provider for children with challenging behaviors. Families have celebrated the success of their children with the effectiveness of behavior interventions. They count on Mary Cariola to ensure continued progress. This ultimately means that the foundation we’ve built must remain strong in order to serve more children and families both now and in the future.
For nearly 70 years, we’ve held true to our founder, Mary Cariola’s belief that “every child has potential, regardless of disability.” Since 1949 we have grown and increased our services for school students, and residents. The support to families is unique and vital. As an agency looking to the future we realize that it will take more technology, more staffing, more medical and clinical care and ultimately more funds to make it all happen.
As you consider a gift, would you like to see the things that gift allows us to do each day? You are invited to visit us and take a tour to see the magic that happens every day at Mary Cariola! Our students and residents love to have visitors and be introduced to new friends. Please let me know if you’re interested, trust that after a visit here you’ll really know why your gift is so important.
Making a gift to Mary Cariola Children’s Center is the first step in building the foundation for the next 70 years. So when you see the Mary Cariola envelope in your mailbox come November, consider a gift to secure our future and the future of all those we serve. The fact is, their future depends on what we do today.