Tami Sekol - Teacher Assistant

Tami Sekol - Teacher Assistant

“I have found my niche working with our medically fragile students who have intellectual developmental delays. Many in the world overlook them but they are a bright spot. I work with fun, loving and giving kids. I have found at Mary Cariola that there is truth in the statement ‘While they cannot speak they have much to say.’ It’s so important to listen and these children deserve being heard.”

Lawanza Lane - Speech Pathologist

Lawanza Lane - Speech Pathologist

"I enjoy working at Mary Cariola Children's Center because it’s a place that when you wake up in the morning it will be filled with new and exciting challenges. Not everyone can say they work with amazing colleagues and a supervisor who is supportive of creativity and promotes professional growth. Hopefully, my students are able to sense that first and foremost I care about them as individuals. Each day I’m blessed with the wonder of discovering abilities that are beyond obvious limitations."

Matt Chichester - Special Education Teacher

Matt Chichester -  Special Education Teacher

"I have held many positions at Mary Cariola, but no matter what the position my favorite part is interacting with the students every day and helping them learn and grow.  Our students have a high level of need, and I think it is important their needs are met as best as possible and they are not shorted because they may have complex needs or challenging behaviors.  For me, it’s very rewarding when you can connect with the students, have fun with them, and show them that you truly enjoy working with them."