Help Us Advocate for Increased Tuition Funding
We need your assistance in advocating for our students in regard to funding from New York State. Based on a number of recent actions in Albany, there is an opportunity for schools like ours to receive increased tuition funding under Governor Hochul's administration.
Mary Cariola Center School supports the New York State Board of Regent’s request for $1.25 million (for both the 22-23 & 23-24 Fiscal Years or $2.5 million) to effectuate the redesign of the tuition rate methodology, and to discontinue the reconciliation process of the methodology. Mary Cariola supports the creation of a taskforce, including relevant stakeholders to develop a new methodology. With the input of the Division of the Budget, the New York State Education Department and education community stakeholders, we believe a redesigned methodology that appropriately supports the special education needs of our students can be achieved.
Thank you for your commitment to support students with disabilities served in our schools through a rate increase of 11% for the 2022-23 school year. We continue to advocate for annual growth to our school on par with the state’s annual investment in public schools.
We are asking that your express your support to the Governor and ask for equity for students with disabilities educated at Mary Cariola Center and others across the state. We’ve provided the links below to letters you can copy and email to those in the decision-making process.
Thank You.